Philipp Best takes over sales management of TFG Transfracht

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Article: Philipp Best takes over sales management of TFG Transfracht

Philipp Best (37) has taken over as Head of Sales at TFG Transfracht in Ham-burg with retroactive effect from January 1st,2021.

Philipp Best has been working in various areas within the DB Group since 2009 and has many years of experience both in seaport-hinterland logistics and in sales and production.

He has been with TFG since 2015 and most recently headed central customer service and key account management. Previously, as Head of Maritime Accounts, he was responsible for sales to operators between the German seaports and Eastern Europe as well as for planning DB Cargo’s maritime CT transport operations.

“We are delighted to have gained Philipp Best, who has a profound knowledge of both martime combined transport and TFG. Under his new sales management, we will bundle product development, key account management, network management and customer service into a holistic market approach for our customers”, says Frank Erschkat, Spokesman of the Management Board of TFG Transfracht